Month: March 2023

What is Windows XP?

By acceleratedsoftware

Windows XP is the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system. It was released in 2001. Microsoft stopped providing support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. This means that you no longer receive security updates or technical support. What is Windows XP? Windows XP is a graphical operating system developed by Microsoft. It is a…

The Importance of PC Hardware

By acceleratedsoftware

If you’re planning to build or upgrade your pc, you’ll need to purchase the right hardware. That includes a CPU (Central Processing Unit), motherboard, RAM (Random Access Memory), hard drive, graphics card and keyboard. You’ll also need a power supply unit. A modern computer generally needs a PSU that’s rated between 500W and 850W to…

Top 5 PC Software

By acceleratedsoftware

PC software is a digital program that runs on a computer. The software can be installed on the computer’s hard drive or delivered over the Internet as a service. System software is a type of software that controls the computer hardware and coordinates it with application programs. Some examples of system software are the operating…